(Scroll down for the Specific List for 2024.)
Christmas in July started in 2017 when we contacted Blair E. Batson to see how MCWA could help them. This is a very rewarding service project for our members, as well as very appreciated by Blair E. Batson. They get a lot of donations at Christmas, but told us they really need help in the summer. We have contacted Mississippi's Children's Hospital this year to see what they are projecting their needs to be in July. Their reply: Our biggest need will be infant and toddler items. "This year we are pretty low on rattles and teethers - which we go through SO quickly."
We will have Christmas in July drop off locations for coaches' wives and coaches at the MAC Clinic in July and also, our BIG GOLD Buckets to accept cash donations so we can shop for your items.
If you or your spouse won't be at the MAC Clinic, and you'd like to donate, we will have news soon on a way for you to donate.
The Specific List for 2024 is Below:
infant/Toddler (0 - 3 years):
* Infant Sensory Toys (plastic only
* Rattles (plastic only)
* Teethers (plastic only)
* Crib Mobiles (plastic only)
* Crib Music Soothers (plastic only)
* Musical/Light-Up Toys (plastic only)
* Crib Mirrors
School-Age Kiddos (3 - 12 years):
* My Little Pony Sets
* Hot Wheels (2 - pack, no tracks)
* Legos/Duplo (small sets, all ages)
* Play-Doh (individual cups)
* Play Pack Grab & Go (boys & girls)
* UNO cards
* Phase 10 cards
Teenagers (13 - 18 years old):
* Nail Polish (individual bottles)
* Teen DVDs (new releases, rated G/PG/PG-13 only)
* Hand-held electronics (Simon Says, 20 Questions,
* Advanced Lego sets (small sets)
* "Adult" coloring books (non-seasonal)
* Colored Pencils
Personal Care and Family Resources:
* Pajama pants (all ages, no draw-strings)
* Underwear (all ages)
* Stress/squeeze balls
* Laundry pods
* Dryer sheets
* Deodorant
* Feminine Products
* Chapstick
Blair E. Batson Chidren's Hospital States:
Because we are a hospital there are a few things we are unable to accept. In accordance with Infection Control policies and Children’s of Mississippi guidelines we cannot accept the following:
Religious items and/or references
Stuffed animals
Latex balloons
Violent video games & movies
Toy weapons
USED items
Gift Cards
VISA, MasterCared, American Express Gift Cards
"Ride-On-Top" toys, such as bikes, scooters, pogo sticks
Toy kitchen sets/appliances
*Please do not wrap donations or make "goodie bags", because every patient's condition is unique.
We will be forced to unwrap/unpack donations to ensure appropriateness.
Thank you MCWA and MAC! Because of you, we have been able to donate so much to Mississippi's Children's Hospital over the last few years!